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Hardie Cement Board Siding Solutions for Your Home

Transform your Park City or Northern Utah home with the enduring elegance and strength of Hardie Board cement board siding installation from Elevated Exterior. Our high-quality, professional siding solutions provide the exceptional durability and aesthetic versatility your home deserves. We offer unmatched benefits with our client-centered services that will take your home’s exterior to new heights with superior products and a worry-free installation process.

cement siding

Hardie Board & Cement Board: What’s the Difference?

Siding options can be confusing, especially when Hardie Board and cement board are often used interchangeably in conversation. Hardie Board, also known as Hardie Plank, is a brand-specific fiber cement product known for its comprehensive warranty and reputation as a leader in siding materials. Fiberglass cement boards, on the other hand, often come in various generic brands and might have different warranties or characteristics. Hardie is an industry-leading brand backed by incredible warranties, which we honor. For this reason, we partner with Hardie products, ensuring our customers have a trusted option that meets their needs.

Benefits of Hardie Cement Board Siding

Our reputation is directly tied to the quality of our work and the reliability of the products we offer and install for our clients. You can be sure no matter which Hardie Board product you choose, you will be rewarded with all the benefits of this incredible siding.

Exceptional Durability

Choose siding that stands the test of time. Hardie Board cement board provides a formidable shield for your home, resistant to rot, moisture, and pests, making it the long-lasting solution you need for peace of mind.

Low Maintenance Luxury

Enjoy the freedom of low-maintenance living. Our cement board siding options mean you can say goodbye to constant repairs and touch-ups, saving you time and money in the long run.

Enhanced Safety

Safety is a priority. Your home gains an extra layer of protection because Hardie’s non-combustible materials are fire-resistant.

Weather the Storm

You'll be ready for whatever nature throws your way. Hardie siding withstands high winds, hail, and other weather events, assuring your home stays pristine in diverse climate conditions.

Tailored Aesthetics

With a variety of colors and textures, our Hardie board siding options enhance and complement any architectural style, boosting your home's curb appeal.

Experience the Difference of Cement Board Siding

Elevated Exterior will increase your home’s property value and add an extra layer of protection with Hardie cement board installation, the industry leader in fiber cement board products. Choose from various widths, patterns, and colors to create a truly unique look for your home in Park City or Northern Utah. Contact us today to schedule your free estimate.

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