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Residential Decks in Park City and Northern Utah

Elevated Exterior brings outdoor living dreams to life with our professional custom deck builds serving the Wasatch Front and the Wasatch Back. Whether you want to add a small, intimate balcony or a sprawling backyard haven for entertaining, we tailor every project to fit your expectations and lifestyle. Your vision is the blueprint for our creation. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

house with a deck

Enduring Quality With Composite Materials

Our decks are crafted with premium composite materials that promise longevity and beauty. The durability of composite means your deck will stand firm against time, weather, and sun. Say goodbye to the worries of fading, warping, splinters, or discoloration, and hello to an investment that retains its allure with minimal maintenance.

Our Deck Building Process

Building a deck is not simply a construction project but a personal and emotional investment in your home. For this reason, we approach it with a process designed around you:


Share your vision with us; we'll provide insights and possibilities aligning with your goals.


Leveraging our experience and your goals, we draft a custom design that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


Our skilled team brings the design to life, ensuring each phase complies with our stringent quality control practices.


Together, we review the completed deck and make sure all your expectations are met or exceeded.

Broad Expertise and a Commitment to Excellence

Years of industry presence back our name. Our company isn’t just a business; we are seasoned professionals who bring a wealth of experience to every project. Our expansive knowledge as a complete exterior home renovation company equips us to tackle any challenge your project may entail. Every nail, board, and finish reflects our dedication to excellence. We don’t just meet industry standards—we exceed them. We aim to surpass your expectations, creating spaces you can be proud of for years to come.

Client-Centric Residential Deck Solutions

When you partner with Elevated Exterior for your residential deck-building project, you’re making a smart investment in your property and your family’s experiences and memories. We’re excited to be a part of building your deck that will become the backdrop to many of life’s cherished moments at home. Are you ready to explore your options? Contact us to schedule a free consultation and estimate.

Call Today to Get a Free Quote!